Mark Matthews Home Inspections, Inc.

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Web Hosting Agreement

December 20, 2020 by MMinspect

ANTI-SPAM POLICY The customer will send SPAMs or no unwanted commercial emails from our network to promote a website hosted on our network or for related or unrelated companies that use spam. iQWeb reserves the right to determine what SPAM is and to terminate all unreased services of customers who do not comply with this Policy. iQWeb reserves the right to terminate the web hosting service without refund. The web hosting provider will comply with the following conditions during the terms of the contract, unless the parties agree otherwise. This web hosting agreement was concluded between [Client.FirstName] [Client. LastName] (owner of the web application) and [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] (Hosting Provider). The main objective of this agreement is to move forward in a longer-term contract, under which the company offers web hosting services from [Accord. Date] and begins with the maintenance of all delivery components. PandaTip: This part of the model gives you a place to list all the direct costs associated with the web hosting agreement. CET ACCORD (“Agreement”) is signed on the day of your first web hosting bill by Sans Terra, between Sans Terra, LLC – A Twin Cities Web Design Enterprises. (“Host”), with its head office on the 6367 Cherokee Trail, MN 55038 and the customer (“user”), with its head office at the address listed in our accounting system, and takes effect from the first hosting billing date (the effective date).

IQWEB DOMAIN STORE iQWeb Solutions offers a domain store to allow only the search and purchase of domain names. This tool can also be used to search for domain availability, but the web hosting form is required to be completed when you sign up for web hosting. All domain store purchases are paid in U.S. dollars; All other services are paid in Canadian dollars. We are sure you will enjoy our services. For your safety, we offer 30 days of refund guarantee on all web hosting packages. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with our service with 30 days, we will refund you. Please note that domain names and services purchased by third parties cannot be refunded or administrative fees may be charged.

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Mark Matthews Home Inspections, Inc.
284 Electra Lane
Westfield, NC 27053
Telephone: 336-618-6096