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The Four Agreements In Spanish Audio

April 13, 2021 by MMinspect

This title sums up the wisdom of the ancient inhabitants of Mesoamerica in 4 rules to achieve a more fulfilling life. Whoever implements them quickly notices the difference.1 Be immaculate with your words. 2. Don`t take anything personal. 3. Don`t make any assumptions. 4. Always try your best… These four commandments of Toltec`s ancient wisdom are the foundations on which Don Miguel Rusz built his most important work. His seemingly simple teachings contain a fundamental message: to be happy, the first thing you need to do is decide to be happy.

The four agreements are a treaty translated into more than 45 languages and which, as Deepak Chopra says, is “a map for education and freedom.” He has also been praised by such celebrities as Ellen DeGeneres and Oprah Winfrey. In addition, it has been a bestseller on the New York Times list for over 10 years. The Four Agreements was first published in 1997 and has sold more than 8 million times in the United States. This audio version is narrated by RubĂ©n Moya, a professional advertiser with a career of more than forty years. His powerful message will swing in your head for many days, even years. It is also a title that can be returned many times, and in each new listening you will discover another teaching. Please note that this audiobook is available in Spanish. I read this book years ago, and it helped change my life. The four chords are a great way to get closer to life, relationships and experiences.

The Don`t Take Anything Personally – Don`t Make Assumptions Agreements have helped me live a happier life. I hear what is audible from time to time when I have forgotten the chords and I take the staff out of things. The book is a short but effective reading, and I wish I had read it when I was younger. Although I like Ruben Moya as a synchronous speaker, I don`t like the narration of this audiobook. In my opinion, the narrative of an audiobook should be neutral, especially if it is not a story, and Ruben Moya`s story was very theatrical. The Four Agreements was first published in 1997 and has sold more than 8 million times in the United States. This audio version is narrated by RubĂ©n Moya, a professional advertiser with a career of more than forty years. His powerful message will swing in your head for many days, even years.

It is also a title that can be returned many times, and in each new listening you will discover another teaching. A long time ago, a friend gave me this book. I read it exactly as it goes because of a breakup. Years later, I had the opportunity to reread it in the audio, and it still helps me remember a lot of chords that I still have to change. This is a book I would not hesitate to recommend. The size is perfect for those who may not be used to reading as much as I am. Thank you for creating this amazing book. I highly recommend this audio version. Very well done, a good clear narrative. Easy-to-understand concepts that include your religious beliefs without dogmas or prejudices.

I recommend you. I recommend this audiobook written about Miguel Ruiz. Claire and sincere, it offers a choice to live without the dogma of religion or prejudice. It can be used to learn to live with more presence in your own life, and more aya scanner has your goals and dreams I hope you like it as much as mine. Luis Miguel Ruiz reminds us of a simple and profound truth: the only way to end our emotional suffering and regain our joy of life is to stop believing lies – especially about ourselves.

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